Sudoku Fairy

They’re being banned in San Francisco. Those petroleum-based bags that supermarket and mass-merchandisers pack purchases into. They’re only allowing paper, and some sort of (biodegradable) soybean sack.

But this is the east coast, and the white sack that caught my eye was no doubt of the old- fashioned type, made from un-PC, un-renewable resources. It had somehow attached itself to my car (the car I was headed for after a long day’s work), on the driver’s side, near the windshield. Blown by a breeze, perhaps, and wedged under the wiper.

Maybe all the bags I’ve ever used & tossed are headed back to haunt me, I thought, pondering the justice of such an event. “I’d be stalked by fewer sacks than most, though” I mused as I neared the object of my brief flight of fancy, “As I use (and re-use) canvas bags whenever possible. In fact, I’ll take this plastic sack home to re-cycle.”

I reached for the bag to swipe it from the hood of my car, but… it didn’t swipe. It stuck. There was something… something in it, the weight of which kept it from being blown or swiped away. Realizing that I had now taken custody of not only a bag, but a something caused a moment of trepidation. Moment over, I reached inside and retrieved… a book. A cheap book, to judge by the grayish, newsprint-like paper of which it was composed. “More Super Sudoku” the cover proclaimed.

I threw it into my vehicle, and spent the drive home pondering how a book (in a bag) happened to have been left on my car. “Must have been the Sudoku Fairy.” I concluded.

About cades62

Quiet. Focused. Beware.
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3 Responses to Sudoku Fairy

  1. Fresh Hell says:

    I was REALLY worried for a minute there about what was in the sack. Thank god it was only a welcome blessing from the Sudoku Fairy!

  2. The Sudoku Fairy has never left me a book. And yet, I diligently brush my teeth, wash behind my ears, and conscientiously watch internet porn as much as anyone these days. Did she also leave a number? I want to call and complain!

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